All righty, folks. Hold onto your hats, because I actually read another book. Yep, I read a book. I love reading, but reading a physical book has taken a backseat to all the millions of other things I've been doing since I became a mom ten years ago.
Now that three of my four kids are in school all day, lunchtime is really quiet. Most of the time my toddler is already asleep, but if he's not he doesn't make much noise. This is a perfect time to read an actual book, instead of checking facebook or feedly or instagram. (Much more satisfying too.)

Now that three of my four kids are in school all day, lunchtime is really quiet. Most of the time my toddler is already asleep, but if he's not he doesn't make much noise. This is a perfect time to read an actual book, instead of checking facebook or feedly or instagram. (Much more satisfying too.)

I've done a few other "What We've Been Reading" posts in the past. You can see them here.
I just posted a few weeks ago about a few books that I listened to over the summer.
Anyway...My friends read this book for their book club during the summer. I say "their" book club, because I haven't gone in a few years. I would love to go, but honestly, they meet on the busiest day of the month and all I want to do at 8:00 when they meet is finish the laundry and dishes and go to bed. Anyway...I read this book and really enjoyed it.
My kids have been reading a lot too.
Here's my eight year old son's favorite series lately. We've read a few together outloud. My son has read some by himself. And my kids have listened to the audio book version of them while they play legos.
My ten year old daughter reads more books than I can keep up with, but her current favorite series, is Goddess Girls. I haven't read them, but she loves them. I used to think that I'd read all the books that my kids were reading. Ha! I'm glad that I can't keep up with them because they read so much.
We just got this book from the library. My five year old son (and I) love Tedd Arnold's books. We love Parts and all the Fly Guy books. This book is fun for a new reader, like my son. It has just a few words, great pictures, and is repetitive so the kids can "help" you read.
So, that's what we've been reading at our house lately. Any favorite books at your house lately?